“Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” Now Offers Even More! With Great Additions Like Photo Editing and Games, “Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” Is Now Twice As Fun and Twice As Wallet-Friendly!
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Press Release
OPTiM Corporation
“Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” Now Offers Even More!
With Great Additions Like Photo Editing and Games, “Unlimited Software
powered by OPTiM” Is Now Twice As Fun and Twice As Wallet-Friendly!
TOKYO (November 22, 2013) – OPTiM, a leading provider of online IT support solutions that enable creativity, collaboration and convenience, announced today that its versatile “Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” has been expanded with new content. The “old” service offered 50+ tech-related e-books and a diverse array of software programs for JPY525 (including tax) per month※1. The expansion sees the number of available e-books and software programs increase to more than 70, at the same great price!
Visit the “Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” product page:
“Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” is an “unlimited use” monthly software subscription service offering various types of content, including the e-book version of the Dekiru Series, a line of very handy help manuals for using computers, antivirus software, greeting card software, Microsoft Office-compatible software and typing software. Subscribers can use “Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” as many times as they’d like for one flat rate. The e-books are provided by Impress Japan Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo and led by CEO Yonekazu Tsuchida), which has sold 40M+ copies of the Dekiru Series. The PC software is provided by SOURCENEXT Corporation (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and led by CEO Noriyuki Matsuda), a software distributor that in 2012 was #1 in sales for six different PC software categories, a record amongst major Japanese consumer electronics retailers.
Once a customer is enrolled in “Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM”, the need to buy new software packages is eliminated. Among the various software types we provide, entertainment software has proven very popular -- therefore, much of the new content is game-related, i.e. board games such as mahjong, chess and Go, along with assorted card games. On the practical side, we’ve added software such as compression and photo editing, bringing the total to 70+ titles. With the aim of offering 100 titles by the end of fiscal year 2013 (in cooperation with other companies), OPTiM is dedicated to supporting its customers’ wide-ranging needs.
※1 this price is for reference only. Actual price may vary depending on the distributor and the software contents.
【About OPTiM】
Based in Tokyo, Japan, OPTiM provides solutions that reduce its clients’ support costs, with an overall focus on evolving online experiences to the point that the Internet becomes something you aren’t even conscious of, like breathing. OPTiM’s solutions’ suite includes setup, diagnostic and marketing tools for NGN and home networks, as well as mobile devices, routers, TVs, gaming platforms, multifunction peripherals, servers, printers and DVD recorders.
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※ The corporate names and product names mentioned above are registered trademarks or trademarks.
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OPTiM Corporation Marketing / Promotion Team
TEL: 81-3-6435-8570 FAX: 81-3-6435-8560
“Unlimited Software powered by OPTiM” product page: